George Iii Carved Blue John Pedestal Urn of Baluster Form
£3,800 *
Pair of Regency Oak Bookcases
A Silver Engraved Butterfield Type Pocket Compass-Sundia Langlois, Paris
£2,800 *
Staffordshire Enamel Snuff Box Or Bonbonnière, Circa 1770
£1,800 *
Russian Metal Travelling Icon of St Nicholas of Myra
£350 *
German Brass and Copper Tobacco Box, 18th Century
£650 *
English George Iii Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, (1760-1820)
£850 *
Rectangular Enamel Box and Cover, 18th Century
£350 *
Flemish Wooden Sculpture of Saint, 17th Century
£1,800 *
Russian Metal Travelling Icon Panel, Late 19th Century
£750 *
Swiss Marked Silver Metal Circular Box
French Agate and Gilt-Copper Box, 19th Century
£450 *
Set of Eight Louis Xv Provincial Walnut Dining Chairs
£6,000 *
Brass Trumpet-Form Candlestick, 17th Century
£5,500 *
Large French Empire Ormolu Striking Mantel Clock, Circa 1820
£3,200 *
Large Oak Refectory Table Circa 1900
£2,200 *
Signed Sketch, 'The Scavengers'
£1,500 *
Rare Staffordshire Enamel Patch Box, 18th Century
£1,250 *
Russian Triptych of the Deesis, 19th Century, Oil on Panel
£1,250 *
Carved Wood Corpus Christi
£1,200 *
Tortoiseshell Circular Box , Early 19th Century
£1,200 *
Pottery Columbian Figure/Doll, 13th Century
£950 *
Small Russian Bronze Blessing Icon Cross, 19th Century
£950 *
Dutch Brass Heemskerk Candlestick
£900 *
A Pair of 18th Century South Staffordshire Candlesticks
£850 *
Late 20th Century 18k Georg Jensen Wristwatch
£850 *
Oval Frame of Seven Cameos
£850 *
English Circular Staffordshire Enamel Box, Circa 1770
£700 *
Scottish White-Metal Mounted Horn Snuff Mull
£650 *
Dutch Brass Heemskerk Candlestick, Circa 1680
£600 *
Russian Tetraptych (Four Panel) Metal Travelling Icon
£600 *
Russian Three-Panel Triptych Metal Travelling Icon
£600 *
Dutch Brass Tobacco Box, 18th Century
£550 *
Pair of English Brass Candlesticks, Circa 1760
£500 *
Wax Relief, 18th Century
£500 *
Masonic Open Face Pocket Watch, Late 19th Century
£480 *
* Any prices shown are subject to availability and market conditions.