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British Museum Example of an Albani plate
The scene on this plate is based on a painting by Francesco Albani (1578-1660) commissioned for the Borghese Palace, Rome. Albani painted a set of four mythological scenes representing the elements for the palace and later produced three variant series, the best-known being for Cardinal Maurice of Savoy in 1635, now in the Turin Museum. The popularity of such scenes and their rendering by various engravers made them a popular subject choice for export porcelain. For a similar example see William R. Sargent 'Treasures of Chinese Export' Yale 2012, p. 297
llustrated: Qing Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2015/2016, cat. 79.
• The Book of Famille Rose, by G.C. Williamson, plate XXXIX;
• A Winterthur Guide to Chinese Export Porcelain, by A.M. Palmer, New York 1976, colour plate 7 for a similar plate;
• Treasures of Chinese Export Ceramics from the Peabody Essex Museum, by W.R. Sargent, Salem, MA 2012, p. 297, cat. 156 for a plate and a teapot with this decoration;
• Chinese export-porcelain, Chine de Commande from the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels, catalogue by C.J.A. Jörg, Hong Kong 1989, p. 178/179, cat. 65 for a tea bowl and saucer with the same decoration;
• Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, by E. Gordon, 1978, p. 61, cat. 46 for a similar plate;
• A Tale of Three Cities: Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong, by D.S. Howard, 1997 London, p. 111, cat. 133 for a similar plate with gilt border;
• see Lunsingh Scheurleer pl 232.
珍稀的中國外銷瓷粉彩圓盤,紋飾為地球的象征,“四元素”之一,這是模仿意大利巴洛克風格畫家弗朗西斯科•阿爾巴尼(1578-1660)的一幅畫作,約1750年,清乾隆,直徑22釐米,8¾ 英吋。
插图:《清代外銷瓷》, 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2015/2016,目录 79。
•《粉彩大全》,作者G.C. Williamson, 圖39;
•《溫特圖爾導讀中國外銷瓷器》,作者A.M. Palmer, 參見彩圖7一近器;
•《Peabody Essex博物館的中國外銷瓷器珍藏》,作者W.R. Sargent,2012年馬薩諸塞州塞勒姆 市出版,參見第297頁第156號有著相同紋飾的一圓盤及一茶壺;
•《中國外銷瓷器,布魯塞爾皇家藝術及歷史博物館館藏的中國瓷器》,作者C.J.A. Jörg,1989 年香港出版,參見第178、179頁第65號有著相同紋飾的一茶碗和托盤
• 《中國外銷瓷收藏》,作者E. Gordon,1978年出版,參見第61頁,編號46一近器;
• 《三城記:廣州,上海和香港》,作者D.S. Howard,1997年倫敦出版,見第111頁,編號133一件外壁描金的類似碟子。